Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Finding a Partner...

Third graders know that everything is better with a friend and reading is no exception. Third grade readers now have reading partners.  These partners will work together to share their thinking about the books they read.  Students are getting to know their partners as readers by conducting a reading interview.  

Here are some of the questions we are asking one another:

  • Can we look over your log and talk about how much you are reading at school and home? Are there times when you read more or less? Why do you think that happens?
  • When you find books that are just right, what do those books tend to be like? What should I know about the books in your life?
  • What are your goals for yourself as a reader? What are you doing to meet them?
  • If you think back over your life as a reader, what have the big turning point moments been for you? Can you tell me more about one turning point? How did your reading change during that moment? What did you realize about yourself as a reader?
  • Who has helped you as a reader? What did that person do that was helpful?

    Interviewers are taking notes, learning about their partner, and discovering ways that they can support each other this year.


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