Monday, September 23, 2013

Information about Bus Passes

What is a bus pass?

Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools offers students who are having a play date with a bus rider, the convenience of getting a bus pass.  This allows a student who typically does not ride that particular bus the opportunity to do so in order to go home with a friend for a play date.  In order for us to obtain a bus pass for your child, we will need a note from both parents acknowledging the play date and transportation arrangements.    

That being said...

Every year the transportation department does not allow us to issue bus passes until October. There are a couple of reasons for this.  First, they want bus drivers to be familiar with the students and their stops.  Secondly, they want to make sure that every student that rides the bus during the year has a seat. If any bus is full, we can not issue bus passes for the rest of the year unless transportation tell us otherwise.  

If you have any questions, please contact me!

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